This was a colaborative project I leaded for 2 years, created in 2015, describes mithological beings and ancient gods of Ecuador. Many of the are present till now in the Folklor and popular culture, exhibited in many cities and design fairs. Some of this designs appeared in the book from Australia “Pictoria. Volume 2: The Best Contemporary Illustrators worldwide”, as one of the best illustration styles of 2018.
The project included several skillful illustrators from the Design School of ESPOCH.
The project included several skillful illustrators from the Design School of ESPOCH.
It means“Triangle” is one of the most important element in the andean cosmovission.
It means“Triangle” is one of the most important element in the andean cosmovission.

Aya huma - Jairo Abad
Yacuruna - Jairo Abad

El Catequil - Jairo Abad
Kuartam (tiger-frog ) - Jairo Abad

El Salun - Sebastian Haro
Mallku Kunturi - Miguel Herrera

Amazonas de Chambo - Daniela Cuichan
Sacha Runa - Israel Mariño

El Cucurucho - Andrés Abad
Pillallau - Ángelo Garcia

UP / Wiracocha, the god of the creation - Jairo Abad DOWN / Amaru, the Dragon of the Andes - Jairo Abad